I am alive, just busy... somehow...
After I get back from Lawrence I will update the scores, so make sure that you get your completed missions posted.
Enjoy your Monday and Tuesday!
After I get back from Lawrence I will update the scores, so make sure that you get your completed missions posted.
The scoring keeps coming in. Amber got her stuff posted for Star Wars III, Scott apparently made a trip down to Garden to eat a snow cone, and I made a trek to Wichita to watch an away Koyotes game. Also, we have a new player, Stana, who is making many missions for herself to do... but has yet to complete one... or post that she has completed one.
Well the scores are starting to roll in now. Amber has watched a movie (or more soon to be posted). Scott has finished his anime series, Michelle has been doing some baseball stuff, and Aaron has finally got his stuff posted. There will be many more points to be added, once everyone gets their Star Wars stuff posted, so be sure to check back to see how things are going.
To complete this mission I must make something to eat that I never have made before. It must actually come from a recipe, so I can not heat up a frozen dinner and call it cooking. I must post the recipe on the internet, with a review of how it was. +50 per additional new food item cooked. +50 points for every person that comes over to eat what I made for a meal. I may get the points for cooking something new only once, so for example, I can not combine this mission with the Vidalia Onion Feast Mission (#88).
To complete this mission I must eat at a restaurant. I must stay at the restraint for over an hour, and I must go with someone else. If it is a sit down restaurant, where you have a waiter that you give a tip to, +50 points. I may get the points for eating at each restaurant only once. Also I may not be getting other points for eating at the restaurant from other mission at the same time.
For this mission I must watch a movie that I have not seen before. If I watch the movie at a movie theater +100 points. This mission can not be done in combination with another mission.
County Fairs are like summer to my ears.... I am getting really tired of writing opening things for each mission; I think Ill stop for now. To complete this mission I must go to a county fair, and stay there for at least 2 hours. While there I must get a funnel cake, and ride at least one ride (if possible). If I go at night +50 points.
The summer is a time to travel. Traveling makes for the best summer ever. For each state I visit, besides my home state, I get 100 points. If I take a picture of the entering a new state sign, I get 50 more points. I can only get the points for visiting each state once.
I remember when I used to love getting snow cones when I was a kid. I don't want that love to die. For this mission I must get a snow cone from a snow cone place. Then I must eat said snow cone. For 100 more points I may get another snow cone to eat. I like some summertime goals, they are so simple.
Anime Music Videos take a lot of time to make, the summer has a lot of time to give, lets work something out. To complete this mission I must make an Anime Music Video. The song must be over three minutes long. The final product must look nice, and I must post it on the internet for all to see. I must own all anime footage used, and there must not be subtitles from the anime in the video, unless it is relevant to the video.
BBQs and summers go together like super and glue. So to commemorate this bond I decree that a BBQ should be had this summer. To compete this mission I must have a BBQ at some park. There must be two different kinds of meats cooked, and there must be potato salad. +50 points if there is also watermelon.
I like zoos, it reminds me which is the dominate species in the world. To complete this mission I must go to a zoo for at least 3 hours. I must buy some food to feed something while I am there if possible. And I must take a picture of some cool animal.
A night sky, a nice cool drink, and a hot tub. To complete this mission it must be night, I must have a nice cool drink, and I must be in a hot tub. I must stay in the hot tub for over an hour and if I run out of my nice cool drink, I must get more. This sounds like a mission for me.
Although I don't really enjoy it that much, swimming is a summer activity. To complete this mission I must go swimming for at least 2 hours. I do not have to do anything besides sit in the water, but really if that is all I do I will be bored. +100 points if I go swimming when it is hotter than 100 degrees outside.
Tea brewed by the sun, oh yeah. To complete this mission I must make sun tea. The tea must be made in a glass container which is bigger than one of my pitchers. Also the only heat that can be done to the water is by the sun. To complete this mission I must thoroughly enjoy the tea. By whatever means.
I have heard that the only time that you can get Vidalia onions is during the summer. So we have to eat them while available. To complete this mission I must make a meal that has Vidalia onions as the theme. I must make four dishes, all of which feature the onions, not merely uses it as an ingredient. I must post all four recipes as well as comments about the recipes to get the points. +50 points if one of the dishes is onion rings, +100 points if one of the dishes is an awesome blossom.
Amber jumps into the lead finishing a book in one day!
Frisbees have two purposes in life, one is disc golf, and the other is ultimate. To complete this mission I must play in a game of ultimate Frisbee. There must be at least three people on each team, and the game must last for over an hour. +50 points if my team wins.+100 points if we play at night in the old stadium.
Manhattan has one of the nicest disc golf courses that I have seen (which isn't saying a lot, but it is really nice). To complete this mission I must score 62 or under on the Tuttle Creek Reservoir course. If I score 60 or under I get +200 points.
Throughout this summer whenever a stranger comments that I am a morning person, when in-fact I just stayed up the night, I get 200 points. Because as we all know, the best summers are the ones that you sleep during the day and play at night.
Sometimes it is good to be in nature, sometimes. To complete this mission I must go camping somewhere outside of a town. I must build a fire at night, and I must stay at least one night there. Also I must eat while camping. +200 points for each night past the first that I sleep there.
Sometimes you need a reason to get out of the house and take some pictures. The Photo Scavenger Hunt is one reason to. For this mission I must score 1000 points in the scavenger hunt before the summer is over. +200 points for each increment of 500 past the original 1000 scored.
I always forget how fun it is to go to a renaissance festival. This summer I will try not to forget to go to one. To complete this mission I must go to a renaissance festival for at least 5 hours. While there I must get a turkey leg, if available, or something else fun to eat. +300 points If I dress up for it, +100 if someone comments positively about my costume.
I see paintings at art galleries and I think I can do that, well this summer, why don't I try? For this mission I must paint a panting on canvas. I must have some sort of idea that I want to paint before starting to paint, but it can not be coping something else that has already been done. The canvas must be bigger than 12 x 12, and I may use acrylic or oil to do the painting.I must work on the painting for at least 6 hours, and once it is done I must hang it up in my house for the remainder of the summer.
Churches are always doing fun things around the summer time. But you wouldn't know that unless you actually go to them. For this mission I must go to a church event (i.e. not a service). And talk to at least on person that I have not met before. I must get there before the time it is suppose to start, and I can not leave until it is expected to be over. +50 points if I stay for at least an hour after it was supposed to be over.
For this mission I must attend a college baseball game. I must be at the game for player introductions, and I must stay until the game is over. I must eat at least one hotdog and sing Take Me Out to the Ball Gameif played during the 7th inning stretch. 400 bonus points if I come home with a game played ball (as in a foul ball, homerun, or other ball that was used in play that day).
One step up on the action scale from baseball is soccer. But you know what, it is a good sport, as long as the players don't cry to much when they a touched by the opposing team. To complete this mission I must go to a MLS game. I must get to my seat by the National Anthem and I can not leave until the game is over. I must buy something to eat and drink while at the game. 100 bonus points if it is a night game.
Fondue is good. Summer is good. Coincidence? I think not. To complete this mission I must partake in a fondue fest. The fest must have at least three different kinds of fondue, only two of which can be cheese based. The fest must last at least an hour and a half, and there must be at least three other people there. +100 points if I am the one who made the fondue.
The clean fresh taste of sushi just screams summer... if it could talk, well, and it would probably scream something else, like don't eat me, if it could talk. Anyways, making sushi is a summer activity, at least for me. To complete this mission I must make two types of sushi. They must differ somewhat in ingredients, and they must taste differently. (So just switching the meat will not do the trick.) +50 points if I use caviar on the sushi. +100 points if all the sushi made is ate (by anyone around, I don't have to eat it all).
Although not really a summer-y kind of thing to do, the summer gives enough time to let me work of specific projects that I could not do during the school year. To complete this mission I must run a website or blog throughout the summer. The site must be updated frequently, unless it is impossible to do so. If the site is successful at doing whatever it is set up to do by the end of the summer, I will get the points.
Project: Best Summer Ever
Dinner parties are so classy, and classy is in these days. The goal is to host a nice dinner party, with at least 6 people. You must cook the food, decorate the site, and so on. An extra 25 points will be rewarded for each person in attendance after 6. It should last for at least two hours, from the time people start arriving until the last person leaves. Everyone has to be dressed up, if its going to be classy and all.
Its so absurd you just have to do it. Jump Day is a day when everyone jumps at the same time, and we move the Earths orbit... yeah right. To complete this mission I must jump on Jump Day, when the website tells me to. Simple as that.
Sometimes it gets hot here, very hot. To complete this mission I must take a picture of a sign that has a temperature reading of 115ºF or higher. +200 points if it reads 120ºF or higher. Ugh, it really does not sound fun to have temps that high.
It is very funny to watch little league baseball, there is never a sure thing. This simplest throw can lead to chaos, and that is good to fill a summer with. To complete this mission I must watch a little league baseball game. complete from the first pitch to the last out. If food is avalible to buy, I must buy something to eat and drink. +50 points If it is a night game.
Who is gonna argue with me that this is not a summer activity? To complete this mission I must catch fireflies for at least an hour. I must put them in some container to keep them in for awhile after I am done catching them, and then release them. +50 points if other kids start to catch fireflies because I am.
To complete this mission I must visit a family member that lives more than 50 miles away from me (An easy check can be done by Google Maps). I must take a car, bus, or train, to get there. And I must stay at least one night at his or her house.
To complete this mission I must visit a friend that lives more than 50 miles away from me (An easy check can be done by Google Maps). I must take a car, bus, or train, to get there. And I must stay at least one night at his or her house.
You know it is summer when one of the activities that you do is to sit outside for long periods of time, staring up. For this mission I must watch shooting stars from out in the country somewhere. I must watch for at least one hour, and see at least 3 shooting stars. +100 points if I go out during a meter shower period. +100 points if I stay out for more than four hours.
One on the most nerve racking games is Axis and Allies. The tension is always high, and every move must be carefully calculated... fun ^_^. To complete this mission I must play a game of Axis and Allies with at least four other people.+50 points if we watch a WWII movie during the game. +50 points if my side wins the game.
The Best Summer Ever has now officially started. Anything that you (or I) do could be eligible for scoring points towards the project, so make sure that when you do a mission that you bring a camera with to document it and then post the pics on your blog.
Ever get the urge to play tennis on a PS2 until you can go watch the sun rise? Well now you can do this and earn your PBSE points! Sweet. To complete this mission I must go to a friends house and play various video games throughout the night (a span consisting of at least 7 hours). Breaks for the restroom and fooding are allowed, but should be kept to a minimum. +200 points if you beat a game.
Masquerade...Masquerade...something something on parade...masquerade.To complete I must watch a parade. This means at least 46 minutes viewing while the parade passes you by. If you are of the there-goes-my-son/daughtertype, then you may walk with the parade. But, the 46 minutes minimum view time still applies. If you get candy from someone throwing it at you then +100 points.
I don't nearly read enough. Its fun and all, but it's hard for me to get going with a book. To complete this mission I must start and finish a book within three days. The book must be at least 175 pages long, and must be in novel form (so it can not have pictures all over the place). +200 points if I finish the book in two days, +400 points if I finish the book in one day.
If I ruled the world national conflicts would be decided by playing a round of mini-golf. So I think it is high time that we get to playing more of it. To complete this mission I must play two rounds of mini-golf back to back. I must get a hole-in-one on at least one hole, or I must play the course a third time. +50 points per hole-in-one after the first one. +200 points if I get below par on one of the games.
One of my favorite things to do in the summers of yesteryear was to go to the Fun Center and race go-carts. So to complete this mission I must race go-carts. I must race in three races, with at least four other people going at the same time. +100 points if I race at night.
I really like kids that set up Kool-Aid stands. It shows that they have a grasp on how things work in life; they do something in return for money in which they can spend on something that they want. It is much better than the kids just begging their parents for money. To complete this mission I must stop at three different Kool-Aid stands (or similar) and buy something from them. If possible the stands should be visited all on the same day, but it is not a requirement. +200 points if I give the kids twice as much as they are asking for, at all the stands.
Ice cream is good, especially if you have to walk for it. To complete this mission I must walk to an ice cream store, buy some delicious frozen treat, and walk back. The store must be at least a mile away. The purchase must be of ice cream or frozen custard, topping or no, cup or cone, tis no matter. Bonus if it is over 100ºF for your walk, +150.
July 4th is one of the highlights of summer. And you cant really celebrate it correctly unless you have a chance to blow something up yourself. To complete this mission I must buy $40 worth of fireworks from a local vendor. I must then set them off somewhere (legally). All of the fireworks must be set off on the same day. +400 points if I am part of a fireworks extravaganza that contains more than $100 worth of fireworks that are getting set off by me or my friends on the same night. +1000 points if the extravaganza has more than $1000 worth of fireworks in it. (Oh Andy...)
To complete this mission I must go to a race (auto race that is) at a dirt raceway. I must get to the race before the trophy dashes and I can not leave until all of the main events are completed. If the tack allows fans in the pits after the race I must go look around for at least 30 minutes. During the race I must get some thing to eat and to drink.
To complete this mission I must go to a race (auto race that is) at a paved raceway. I must get to the race before the trophy dashes and I can not leave until all of the main events are completed. If the tack allows fans in the pits after the race I must go look around for at least 30 minutes. During the race I must get some thing to eat and to drink.
While driving around Colorado one day we happened to go through the small town ofSouth Park. I think it is high time to go back. To complete this mission I must take a picture of me standing in front of the South Park, Colorado sign. +200 points if I buy a t-shirt from somewhere in the town with South Park written on it.
Since I teach it is impossible for me to dye my hair a crazy color during the school year. So my only chance is during the summer. To complete this mission I must dye my hair some color. The dye must last for at least one week. For the first two days after dying my hair I can not wear a hat when I got out in public. +200 points if the color is not a natural color. +200 points if someone I do not know comments on my hair.
I really don't know why, but I want to. To complete this mission I must go to a place that makes cheese. I must take some sort of tour, be given at least one free sample, and then buy something that they make.
With ample time this summer I think that spending time at a coffee house is a must. There is no better way to show your love for the coffee unless you show demand. To complete this mission I must show up to a coffeehouse before they open up and wait to get in (once inside I must order something). Then on the same day I must stay at the coffee house until they kick me out because they are closing at night. In the morning I must stay there for at least an hour after opening, and at night I must get to the coffee house at least an hour before closing. It does not matter what I do in between those times. +200 if an employee notices that I was there in the morning and in the evening and comments on it.
After writing a short story (see Mission #50), why not go the next step and publish it? Its a good thing that CafePress lets me do such a thing. To complete this mission I must publish an original book that is at least 40 pages long. I must also buy the book, and receive it before the summer is over. +100 points for each book that I sell besides the one that I bought for myself.
I always like to have something to show for parts of my life. And the Best Summer Ever should be no exception. So what is a better keepsake than writing a short story? To complete this mission I must write a short story of any genre or form. It must be original work and it must be at least 40 pages long.At least one other person must read it to receive full points for the mission.+700 points if the story is over 100 pages. -500 if no one reads it before the summer is over.
When I was a kid visiting my Grandmas house for the week, we would have movie day where we would go see a bunch of movies at a movies theater. Lets do that again. To complete this mission I must watch 5 movies in one day. Two of the movies must be at a theatre, and I may only watch one of the movies at home. Three of the movies must be ones that I have not seen yet.While at the movie theater I must buy a large popcorn and a large soda. +200 points if I get a refill on the popcorn. +100 points if I get a refill on the soda.
Part of the fun of the summer is that you can sleep when ever you want, which leads to being awake at some weird times. To complete this mission I must get kicked out of a late night restaurant because they are closing. The restaurant must close later than 2am, and they must actually indicate that they want me to leave.
For this mission I can either play on the console or an emulator to beat a Gameboy Advance game. The game must be both challenging and time consuming (so no beating Super Mario Bros. for the 100th time). Also, no cheating allowed, that means no game genie for the Nintendo or save states for the emulator (or any other form of cheating).
To complete this mission I must go to a morning service of a church and then sleep for at least 4 hours then go to the evening service. I also can not fall asleep during the services.
Mills malls are huge. You enter neighborhoods, not just mere entryways. What would say best summer ever more than to visiting a Mills? To complete this mission I must go to a Mills mall and stay there for at least five hours. I must also eat at least one meal there and do some sort of event there (watch a movie, ice skate, etc...). +200 points if I stay there for more than eight hours.
One of my favorite types of food is Japanese. The problem is the only time I go to a Japanese restraint is when I am in Lawrence. Then I don't want to waste my Japanese food experience, so we always go to Kokoro. Well for this mission I must go to three different Japanese restaurants (Sushi bars count), within a three day period. I must order only Japanese style food from these places, and only drink tea while there. Also, wherever possible I must order some sushi (and eat it).
Pochi makes some of the best drinks in the world, their secret? Tea bubbles (also called tapioca pearls). A summer would not be complete unless I got a drink with tea bubbles. It may be any drink, but obviously, it must contain these peals of goodness. +50 for each additional tea bubbles drink I get on the same day.
Oh hockey, how I miss thee. For this mission I must wear a different hockey jersey every day for a week. I must wear each jersey out in public for at least three hours a day. Also unless I am doing things that may endanger the life of the jersey (such as eating), I must wear it while at home. +100 points if during the week, some one who does not know about the Best Summer Ever comments on how I am wearing alot of jerseys.
To complete this mission I must drive out to the country somewhere, before sunrise, and watch the sun come up. I must start watching before the sun breaks the horizon, and I must stay until it is completely above the horizon. +200 points if I see the sun set in the same day (must also go out to the country to watch).
Nothing says summer like sitting around and talking with friends. What better way to do this but by watching baseball. The sport makes even the smallest of talk seem wildly entertaining (ok maybe Im exaggerating a bit). To completethis mission I must go to a MLB game. I must get to my seat by the National Anthem and I can not leave until the last out. I must buy a hot dog and get the largest soda possible while at the game. 100 bonus points if it is a night game. 1000 bonus points if I catch a foul ball.
Although it is impossible to get the draft done by the end of summer, I will try to start it. To completethis mission I must start the PIFF draft and then keep doing it throughout the summer. If the draft is still going well by the time the summer ends I will consider this mission completed.
To complete this mission I must have a scoring system developed for Pirate Island Fantasy Football. I must use statistical analysis techniquesto come up with a model that improves on the system that was used from last year. If possible I should generate simulated data to help in the modeling.
Arena football is the football that holds us over until the big football (NFL) starts in late summer. To celebrate the effort that these guys put forth I will watch the championship game (June 12th) at a sports bar (BW3 is the likely candidate). I must be there for opening commentary, and I can not leave until the championship trophy is presented.
To complete this mission I must at least partially be responsible for writing a play. There must be no more than 3 other people writing the play. The play must last for at least 45minutes. No one has to perform the play, but it must be possible for a high school to perform it. To get the points the play most be completedby the last day of summer. +300 points if a pirate speaks at least one line in the play.
To complete this mission I must eat at Wahoo's Fish Taco. I must get at least three fish tacos from the place. I must also get an appetizer. Then I must bask in the greatness of the restaurant for at least 45 minutes after eating.
To complete this mission I must go to an outdoor mall that is not in my home state. I must wonder around for at least 3 hours at the mall, and get at least one thing to eat and drink (from separate stores). +100 points if I am there after it gets dark outside. +100 if I get something to drink from a coffee house (or tea house) and sit outside to drink it during when it is dark outside.
To complete this mission I must play a game of basketball, the first teamto 1000 points wins. The game does not have to take place all in one day, but if it does +300 points. The game may be half court, and it doesnt have to be play all on the same court. If I win I get +200 points.
To complete this mission I must bust out into song for at least 30 seconds, in some public location. There must be at least two strangers in the area at the time that I break out into song and I must include choreography. +300 bonus points if I include another person in the song. +300 points if I get applause afterwards. An example is here.
To complete this mission I must take my picture with a fireman. He must be wearingsomething that identifies him as a fireman. +25 points for each extra fireman in the picture. +200 points if the fireman gives you something to keep.
To complete this mission I must visit a family member that lives more than 400 miles away from me (An easy check can be done by Google Maps). I must take a car, bus, or train, to get there. And I must stay at least three nights at his or her house. If I make the trip without staying the night in a hotel I get +300 points.
To complete this mission I must visit a friend that live more than 400 miles away from me(An easy check can be done by Google Maps). I must take a car, bus, or train, to get there. And I must stay at least three nights at his house. If I make the trip without staying the night in a hotel I get +300 points. The friend must know that I am coming up before hand. ^_^
To complete this mission I must get 150 hits on I Really Don't Like the Word Blog. None of the hits can be from me. And the hits will be counted by my normal hit counter (which already does not count my own hits). The day will also be determined by my hit counter, so when it says hits for today, that is the actually number of hits for the day. (+100 points for every increment of 50 more hits. So 204 hits would be 600 points). This mission can only be completed once, but I can continue to get the bonuses if I continue to increase hits. (I can only get the bonus for getting 200 hits once, 250 hits once, etc...)
To complete this mission I must learn how to make a flash clip, +1000 points if it has action scripting. When I am done with the clip other people have to be impressed that I made it. I must post the flash on the internet, and for every person that links to it I get an extra 100 points.
The anime series must have at least 12 episodes in it. I must start and finish the series in less than three days. For every full day less that I complete the series in I get 100 bonus points.(So if I watch the series in one day it is worth 700 points).
StudioGhibli is responsible for movies such as Princess Mononoke, Kikis Delivery Service, Spirited Away, and my favorite anime of all time: Whisper of the Heart. To complete this mission I must watch four of their movies with in one day. Also I may not sleep between the movies, and I must actually watch the movies (I cant do other things at the same time).
To complete this mission I must show up to Patch and Crows and play a game there. I can play any game, but it must be a Games Workshop game. The game must last longer than an hour, and I must use the scenery provided there.
To complete this mission I must join a campaign at Patch and Crows. The campaign must last for at least three weeks and I must play at least once a week.
To complete this mission I must run a Blood Bowl league. The league must have at least four teams, and each team must play at least three games. There must also be playoffs included. All models used must be Blood Bowl models, or models used only for Blood Bowl.
To complete this mission I must attend a concert by Stuck on Broadway. I must also get a picture of me and one of the members of the band.
To complete this mission I must attend a concert by The Famed. I must also get a picture of me and one of the members of the band.
To complete this mission I must attend a concert by Jupiter Sunrise. I must also get a picture with me and one of the members of the band.
I must buy and paint 1000 points worth of Warhammer models. Until I get 1000 points of Tomb Kings, I must work on that army first.
To finish this mission I must get the Necromunda campaign 'Tempus' up to 100 battles played. Stats should be published after every 10 games. At least one night should be spend playing Necromunda straight with at least three other people.
To finish this mission I must finish develop and publish (i.e. post all rules, and resources on the internet) the game Warmonger that I have been working on. It must be possible to play the game completely from the site and a Warhammer rule book.